IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of September 19th, 2022
Here’s what’s happening in and around the fastener industry the Week of September 19th, 2022
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We’re less than 30 days away from the largest B2B expo for fasteners happening in Las Vegas October 17-19th, The International Fastener Expo is Largest B2B expo of Industrial Fasteners and Tooling & Machinery in North America.
Since 1981, the event continues to bring together the manufacturers and master distributors of fasteners and other related products and services with distributors and sales agents in the entire supply and distribution chain.
IFE Exhibitors! With more than 300 companies already registered, space is running out to exhibit at this year’s expo. Don’t miss your opportunity to make an impact at the largest B2B expo for #fasteners! Go to to reserve your space today!
In Fastener News…
The Fastener Training Institute (FTI), the leading nonprofit provider of fastener training opportunities appointed Chris McCaffrey, Business Development Manager at Atlanta Rod and Manufacturing, as president of the FTI board. Chris has served on the FTI Board since 2018 as a director and vice president. He has worked in the industry for nearly 20 years and strongly supports fastener industry training.
National Fastener Distributors Association
National Fastener Distributors Association and the Young Fastener Professional’s have introduced a Mentorship Program called AIM, which stands for Advance Individuals Through Mentoring. The mentorship program will serve the needs of young fastener professionals by pairing them with willing mentors focused on advancing the mentee’s personal career goals.
Young Fastener Professionals
Pac-West Fastener Association
At a recent meeting of the Pac-West Board of Directors. Hans Fuller of Fuller Metric (Surrey, British Columbia) has been elected to serve as president of the Pacific-West Fastener Association.
The Fastener Industry’s Favorite Podcast
Stay tuned ThreadHeads and Fastenerds Fully Threaded Radio Episode 180 is scheduled to drop today!
Tune in at
Update on the railway strike. President Joe Biden celebrated Thursday a tentative labor agreement that averted a strike of U.S. freight trains. But the crisis has not yet been averted, warns Nada Sanders, distinguished professor of supply chain management at Northeastern.
Nada Sanders said “I’m not 100% confident by any means,” noting that union members will be voting on the deal next month after a cooling-off period. The agreement, which delivers a 24% pay increase, resulted from 20 hours of negotiations on the eve of a potential strike. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh mediated the talks at his offices in Washington, D.C. Sanders says the impact of a rail strike would be “absolutely catastrophic” for supply chains that have been reeling since the COVID-19 pandemic. Sanders spoke with News@Northeastern University on Friday about the potential ramifications of a rail strike, why labor has leverage over management, and how supply chains are being reinvented in real-time. Read more in our Twitter feed @FastenerNews
In Fastener Event News…
Join the Southwestern Fastener Association for the Southern Fastener Conference and Expo taking place in Durant, OK Sept. 28th-30th. Get more info at
It’s time for @PacWestFastener’s annual What’s New? What’s Next? fall dinner program! Happening October 6th 5-8pm. Attendees will hear from Presenters, Jamie Lawrence of AVK, Tim Roberto Jr. of Star Stainless Screw, and Jun Xu of Brighton-Best International will bring us up-to-date with what’s new with stainless steel and carbon fasteners, along with what we can expect from our suppliers in the future and a Vendor Showcase.
REGISTRATION IS ALSO OPEN FOR Fastener Training Institute’s “How Fasteners are Made and What Drives the Cost of a Fastener” CLASS that will take place at the International Fastener Expo. For Registration and more info go to:
IFE Exhibitors It’s Game On: Fastener News Desk’s Best Booth Awards return to the 2022 International Fastener Expo! IFE will be sponsoring the Best Booth Awards (that are pretty dang cool) from Trophy Smack! We’re so excited to be BACK in-person, we plan to immortalize your hard-earned victory with a professional-grade championship belt. This year the overall BEST BOOTH AWARD WINNER will claim the Best Booth Award’s first ever customized Championship Belt. We can’t wait to see your creativity this October in Vegas! Who will claim the title?
Go to to book your space today!
The 2022 International Fastener Expo will FEATURE Keynote Speaker. Dirk Beveridge. Dirk is a visionary entrepreneur and the founder of UnleashWD. Dirk has authored four books including the bestselling INNOVATE! How Successful Distributors Lead Change In Disruptive Times.
Dirk recently published a NEW Report: The State of Leadership Throughout Distribution. Over 200 executives provided an unprecedented look into how the nature of leadership is changing in distribution. Get details on how to download the new, landmark call-to-action report.
You won’t want to miss Dirk Beveridge your IFE 2022 keynote speaker. Register now at use the FND discount code: FND50
In Manufacturing News…
📌 Manufacturing Day is less than 3 weeks away! This year the month-long celebration of MFG Day kick-offs on Friday October 7th!
MFG Day is manufacturing’s biggest annual opportunity to inspire the next generation to start careers in modern manufacturing through a series of focused events to promote manufacturing to students, parents, and educators. Plan to open your doors Oct. 7 or throughout the month of October!
Get a helpful resource guide, toolkit, and all you need to get started planning your Manufacturing Day event at Use #MFGday22 to share your event!
The stories featured in this week’s episode of IN THE NEWS can be found at Fastener News Desk or in our Twitter feed @FastenerNews and on LinkedIn in the Fastener News Group!
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If you would like to share your company’s events, news or sponsor an upcoming episode of IN THE NEWS or would like to add to the Fastener Museum me:
Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk.
Until next week, be well, be safe and Keep it Fastenating.
IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of September 12th, 2022
IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of September 6th, 2022
Fastener Association, Fastener Event, Fastener Expo, Fastener News, Fastener TV, Featured
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