Author - fluentdesigns


Optimas CEO’s on Transformation and Growth

Optimas | World Leading Manufacturing Solutions

October 17th, 2022

By; Cris A. Young, Editor-at-Large

FND: Hello, Cris Young here from Fastener News Desk at the International Fastener Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m here today with the CEO’s of Optimas Solutions, Daniel Harms, CEO of Optimas Americas and Mike Tuffy, CEO of Optimas International. Gentlemen welcome, please introduce yourselves.

MT: Cris good afternoon. Hi everyone, my name is Mike Tuffy. As Cris has said I’m the CEO of Optimas International. Happy to be here with you today. I’ve been in the fastener industry all my working life. So happy to share a little bit of an update with regards to what we’re doing and how we’re going about it.

DH: Thank you, hello I’m Daniel Harms, as Cris said, CEO of the Americas. I joined Optimas last April as Chief Operating Officer and really come from outside of the fastener world, so you’ll hear a little bit of that today, about the differences that Mike and I bring to the table. I have 20 years distribution experience working in food and CPG and other large challenging supply chains. There’s been a lot of similarities that have been brought to my role here at Optimas. One of my main areas of focus has been in transformation and we’re looking forward to sharing a little bit with you now about where Optimas is going in the future.

FND: Thank you, gentleman. One of the biggest differences I noticed between the two of you is that Mike you come from a fastener background and Daniel you’re coming from a business transformation background. How do you two gel those things together in order to move the company forward?

MT: I think it is fair to say that Daniel and I have been working together for over a year in our role as presidents and I think during that time what we’ve been able to do is to understand holistically about the business needs. I’m a commercial guy in essence and from that being able to understand the market conditions we’ve been through. As we all know some crazy times over the last couple of years. It’s been interesting just to understand the business needs and the industry and that I’m able to help and support Daniel and dovetail with regards to Daniel’s expertise as well.

DH: I think one of the things that’s been unique is bringing that outside perspective in. It has been a rough several years in the supply chain and I’m able to bring in a different view. Optimas was on this digitization journey when I arrived and really, we’ve seen that accelerate over the last few years. How do we use the data and the technology that we have to better serve our customers and to better serve our suppliers. I think one of the things that makes Mike’s and I’s relationship work really well is we both enjoy learning from each other and it’s never about one way or the other. It’s how do we blend the two approaches. How do we blend the experience and how do we propel the organization forward faster.

FND:  Its old school fastener industry meets new school transformation and you guys have put that together and developed this program, this schedule and focus on your mission to move the company forward. How is your new CEO role different Mike from your past president role?

MT: In the president’s role Daniel and I really have been working together now as we say for over 12 months. I think overall there’s not going to be a massive difference. We were P&L focused on the president’s role but we took on much more than that.

I think in essence overall what happened with regards to AIP, the parent company of Optimas is that they were focusing on the business holistically, so Daniel and I were responsible not just for the P&L but also the balance sheet and all of the corporate side of the things. So really, I guess we’ve had about a year or so of job interview to make sure that we’re going to meet the objectives of the owners of the business and clearly, we’ve passed.

FND: Daniel from your perspective?

DH: I think to Mike’s point not much in the aspect of day-to-day will change. I think what I would say is look, Mike and I aren’t naïve. Optimas has had several senior leadership changes over the last several years. I think one of the things that was really important for us was to be able to demonstrate stability. To Mike’s point we’ve been kind of on this journey of a one-year job interview for the last 12 months. I think you know it’s really about how we start to take what we’ve demonstrated over the last 12 months and start building out those three-year plans. Where we are going from a growth perspective, where we are going from an investment perspective. That we really continue to leverage the investments that we made in manufacturing and technology to make sure that we not only meet our customers’ expectations today. It really set Optimas up for success. That we both believe passionately about that. We’re really set for the next several years.

FND: In a recent press release, there were six key areas identified that Optimas is focused on and where you will create the momentum to grow your business. How did you choose those key issues and concerns to focus on as part of the business transformation?

New Optimas Brand Reflects Our Promise To You - Optimas

DH: When I arrived, as I said I was really brought in to start the transformation in the Americas. Really, Mike and the international team had done some similar work a few years earlier, so we were trying to play catch up a little bit. Then as we got into the transformation work it was really about what are the key things that are going to be important for the business going forward, right. I mean we applied these guiding principles of simplify. How do we make things simpler for our employees, for our customers, and for our suppliers. To connect. How do we connect the work to our people and make them feel part of the big picture. How do we drive execution and then how do we empower people.

This had to be an employee led change for it really to be not just a change initiative but really about transformation. Then as we were evaluating where we were on our digital journey, we had just launched an ERP transformation, it really became about a single source of truth being the platform for all of our change. What I mean by that is, I think when I arrived Mike and I talked about this a lot, we were coming off an old mainframe system and we just had very different reporting across all of our different business units. We really needed to drive things forward to have this single source of truth so that was a key component for us, where we were going to grow.

How we are going manage the investment given the challenges in the supply chain. With more people moving to localization and as we talked about, some of the investments being made in manufacturing really getting closer to the customer. Leveraging insourcing was going to be one of the key areas that we were going to grow.

FND: In the press release Optimas also put an emphasis on workforce, and how important people are to the growth of the company. Would you agree with that internationally as well?

MT: One hundred percent I think, in everything that we do. If you consider how we operate, we are in essence an extension of our customer needs.

From that people are so integral to what we do with the organization, and we’re blessed with an amazing team who we need to invest in as well. First of all, we do a lot of promotion from within. We were so delighted to see many of our team progress through training, through education, and through traveling around the world doing different roles. I think overall people are everything in our organization and from that we’re very happy to have made some investments. Very happy to see those people shine.

Here this week, this morning I’ve sat with a couple of our people that were going through our business plans. All the things that we need to do. They were flown in to see the opportunities to work with our team. Yes, absolutely people are everything.

FND: Keeping on the workforce topic, a lot of companies are experiencing workforce issues and that goes from hiring to retention. How will Optimas address these concerns and what will Optimas do to alleviate the major workforce issues out there?

DH: It’s so important. We really focus on trying to hire to retire, that would be the perfect scenario. In order to do that first we solicit input from our employees. We just launched a global employee survey this year and have been working through that with the individual business unit leaders. Really soliciting that feedback and then going back more importantly and making some of the changes as we get the feedback.

We’ve launched a new diversity equity inclusion that came with direct feedback out of that employee survey. Really being able to work down within our teams because the feedback is different.

Depending on whether you’re in supply chain or working in an office, or you’re working in a warehouse we really have to meet our employees where they are today. First, it’s about investment and making sure we’re listening to them and then Mike mentioned it’s how do we create opportunities for people to continue to grow.

We want to be somewhere where Optimas has a path for success and that comes through creating those opportunities, investing in education, and training and then I  think maybe most importantly is recognition.

Mike and I’s favorite meetings that we get to have every quarter is where we have something called our Thread Award winners. We have an employee group that nominates five employees every quarter and we recognize those employees who are going above and beyond. Those really are some of the most fun meetings that Mike and I get to do.

MT: It’s great because we surprise the people. Literally they will be called into a meeting, or they’ll have a team meeting before we meet face to face.

That ability to be able to sit down for a period of time and just to pay tribute in essence because these are people that have been nominated by their peers. It’s really nice to have that recognition from the teammates to say hey that’s an amazing job that you did for us, and we think that this is the reason why you should be put for this Thread Award.

As Daniel said they are some of the best meetings that we have at any quarter.

FND: It’s so important out there today, the workforce culture is moving forward and changing in many ways. People love and appreciate being recognized. Kudos to Optimas for recognizing that.

Which brings me to another point, you have all these employees, all these customers, you surely must have a lot of data, a lot of content, and a lot of analytics. How does Optimas use that information to further the growth that you want to see within the business?

DH: This is an area as you mentioned that I really enjoy. First of all you have to have the platform to build off. We talked about this single source of truth earlier.

Once you have that, you must have a culture that adopts it, right. Then you have to have a team that really knows how to leverage the information.

Both Mike and I really built out new business intelligence teams across both organizations. Invested heavily in the people that not only know how to leverage the tools but can start to paint a picture.

For me the exciting thing that I’ve seen is this shift that’s been from how we react to problems that happened today using data. Having better decision making to getting more proactive and preventing problems from happening.

I love that I live in this world where I think predictive analytics is where we’re going to be very soon and that really is a game changer. How we see problems that are going to come as a result of the data that we have available to us. To me that has changed the conversations that we’re having today with customers. It’s changing the conversations that we’re having with suppliers this week.

It really has been a massive step forward I think for Optimas. It’s just leveraging the information that we have because we get it from all angles and the ability to take that information and turn it into business intelligence, I think is really one of the difference makers that Optimas has today.

FND: It’s too bad the industrial world is so slow adopting these technologies and systems to use. Even Major League Baseball and the NFL is leveraging the statistics of their employees and celebrity personalities to make their teams better. It’s just too bad that industrial world took so long to see that and to adopt it.

DH: The old adage is that a picture is worth a 1000 words but it’s really the same with numbers. A picture is really worth 1000 numbers.

Mike and I sit in weekly meetings as we go through our weekly KPI’s and the visualization that our teams are being are able to put in front of us really makes a complex problem seem pretty simple to understand and then you can go make better business decisions.

MT: Yes, that’s the scale of the business intelligence systems that we have. Again, I’ve sat here this morning with one of our team members and we’re explaining how we take that multiple thousands of data points, hundreds of thousands of data points and create a one-pager and from that decision making is the exact dashboard.

We’re both data geeks. We enjoy data and maybe geeks is too far, but we both enjoy data and from that we will drive the teams accordingly to understand.

Just to see then the emotion disappears and actually let the numbers speak for themselves. That’s when sort of a delightful moment is oh my gosh, we should have got right here, or we should have gone left. I just seen that ability in the teams and to see them grow is fantastic.

FND: Yes, it’s important for Optimas to be able to grow based on those numbers and statistics, which brings me to my next topic. It’s great data to have on the inside of the company but how do you apply that data to the customer experience on the outside? What’s your digital footprint out there? How do you talk to people digitally? How do you address your customers digitally and where do you see that going?

DH: I think for us as I mentioned it’s starting to change the types of conversations we’re having with our customers because again you know big data is a buzzword out there now. Everyone’s trying to find their place in that journey. Some of our customers are trying to find their own foothold in it. For us to be able to bring their information and put new visualization in front of them to talk about some challenges or growth opportunities it really does change the types of conversations we’re having, and it makes Optimas more valuable as a partner number one. I think number 2, it’s helping us determine where we’re making smart investments. As Mike mentioned building our three-year plans it really does allow us to, we wish we had limitless cash but we don’t, so the ability to leverage that information and make the right investments with the right customers. Doing it through a data-driven process really has made us better faster tomorrow.

MT: That’s interesting, Cris, because a number of our customers actually rely on us that we know more about their businesses in the bill of material for their smaller value components than they actually do.

That is something that is really critical for us to be part of their business. To be immersed in their business and to be able to add that value to them that they’re almost outsourcing this to us. They really don’t want to care about the smaller part of the bill of materials. They want to let Optimas look after that in totality. That again is the value that we add. The things that we can bring to the party with regards to the value proposition that we put forward.

FND: All that data helps clients and helps you internally to see where you need to apply the lessons learned from data to grow and help your customer. Of course, that brings huge amounts of value.

One other thing that was mentioned in the press release was that Optimas is expanding your manufacturing capabilities. Why did you decide to do that, and can you describe in a little more detail what that means to and for Optimas?

Optimas | World Leading Manufacturing Solutions

MT:  The way the world is there’s no surprise that we need to de-risk. Being in this industry all my working life we went to globalization. Everyone went shopping out in the Far East which still plays a major part of all business and always will have a part to play. Of course, we have valuable partners in the Far East but equally we want to look at the de-risking and dual sourcing. How we can bring manufacturing in house. How we can support the bill of material for our customers. With regards to that we’ve gone on a routine of looking at the portfolio parts.

From that I can talk about my division initially. We’ve added investments into cold heading machines, into secondary operations, into people, and some technology. With regards to what we can do to shorten lead times and being more responsive.

How can we be in it from cradle to grave with regards to the initial 3D prototyping all the way through into serial production and have all of the supply chain within a 50-mile radius of the requirements for the customer. That has been a massive value add that we’re able to get in at the beginning. From the design engineering, all of the application engineering through to then actually that engineer walking to the production line and working with the end user to solve a problem and to look at the best options for them.

DH: I think the conversation with customers has really changed, right. I mean Mike mentioned the Far East suppliers will always have a huge part to play but really the conversation became about continuity.

For us investing in manufacturing just allowed us to offer a more reliable supply to customers that maybe what would have previously been at a higher cost. The cost benefit of that continuity of supply now has drastically changed. Similar to Mike, we’ve invested heavily in new machinery, new automation and some CNC operations to be able to meet that demand.

We’ve got a pretty massive growth plan year over year for this year and then we’re even evaluating expanding into Mexico and other locations as we continue to try to do that localization movement to be closer to the customers.

FND: Yes, so it seems like Optimas is not only addressing more manufacturing capabilities but they’re using that to address supply chain issues all the way from the raw materials to the logistics. Being right where the customers are, having the right product, and the ability to get it to them faster. Great insight on the part of Optimas.

I just have one more question before we wrap up this interview and then I’ll give you both the opportunity to add anything you like.

One of the things that is a big topic of conversation out there and especially with the larger companies such as Optimas is sustainability. With this larger manufacturing presence sustainability is of course a concern. How will Optimas address this issue and still grow?

Optimas | World Leading Manufacturing Solutions

DH: Mike’s leading the way here, so we’ll let him go.

MT: I think overall when you look at sustainability the whole process that we have to think about is looking forward. It’s a really important topic and obviously right now I’m delighted to be able to announce in the UK we are currently 100% renewables.

We did a lot locally with regards to looking at the options of renewables. Globally it takes us to about 22% with where we’re at from a global point of view. A lot of work to do in the states and I’ll let Daniel talk about that in a second. Our aim is to be around 70% by 2023.

If you look at the top COP26 targets, 50% reduction by 2030 is one of the target objectives. We will be well ahead of those overall. 

I think other initiatives that we’ve looked at have been very successful. In winning electric vehicles and from that we’ve recently secured a large customer in the international region. Very happy to do so. We secured that by looking at all local sourcing.

How do we look at not just the way that the footprint of what we do with regards to the manufacturing process. I talked earlier about having everything within a 50-mile radius. Also, they’re looking at packaging and waste and how we take all of those options out. That’s something that we feel very passionate about. It is something that we will continue to drive and look over to improve the activities that we’re doing.

DH: I think this is one of the areas where the dual CEO’s really pays off, right. If there is a best practice in one of the regions, we’re able to share with each other and really get it implemented quickly.

I think for us we really pride ourselves in our manufacturing having very little waste. We go through and really try to lean out all of our scrap. We’re recycling all of our indirect materials not just in our manufacturing facilities but also in our distribution centers.

Where we’re lagging right now is in this renewable energy for manufacturing and so that’s an area that we’re currently building out plans for 2023.

Mike and I set our global targets together. We think there’s a massive opportunity for us here in the states and that’s something that that we look forward to continuing to drive. We’re also going after electrification and EV customers. It’s really important not just for the environment but also a lot of customers are really interested in what we’re doing in this in the space. It’s important for us, it’s important for employees, it’s important for our customers.

Mike and I really have a passion to drive this forward as we go into the future years.

FND: Gentlemen, it’s been great talking to you. We’ve really learned a lot today about what Optimas is doing to grow its business units, workforce, customer base, and doing so with thoughtfulness in mind, both on the people side and on the environment side. I would say congratulations to you both for making that happen. Is there anything you’d like to add?

DH: Optimas is on a journey, right. As you think about transformation, one of the things that I often remind my team, probably as a way of reminding myself, is we may not be where we’re trying to get to quite yet, but we have to look at how far we’ve come.

When I think about where we were when I started in April last year, we’ve taken massive steps forward and we see that in the feedback that we’re getting from customers, we’re hearing from suppliers, and from our team members.

I think the momentum is building. I think month over month, quarter over quarter, we’re really excited about the three-year plan that Mike and I have built together, and I think there’s really great things in store for Optimas in the near future.

MT: I think for me Cris, first of all, thank you. Thank you for the time. 

It’s just lovely to be able to get recognized by customers. During the crazy times that we’ve been in and serving our customers and getting that recognition from them makes it all worthwhile. I think the thing that gives us the greatest pleasure in me, I’ll speak for myself and Daniel I’m sure is to say this. Seeing our people grow, you know we’re open for business. We’re ambitious, we want to continue on the pathway that we’re on. To see our people actually thrive in that environment gives us the greatest pleasure.

To say thank you to the Optimas team, the Optimas family for what you’ve done so far putting up with us and continue to do so as we look forward. We have a great business that we want to push forward and thank you for the opportunity.

FND: Thank you it was pleasure speaking with you today. We’ve been speaking with Daniel Harms, CEO of Optimas Americas and Mike Tuffy, CEO of the Optimas International. The fastener industry I’m sure is really looking forward to seeing Optimas grow. Thank you very much and have a great show.

MT: Thank you, Cris.

DH: Thanks Cris.

From the International Fastener Expo 


Photo credit: Optimas

NOTE: This interview was conducted at the International Fastener Expo and has been transcribed for this article. 

Optimas | World Leading Manufacturing Solutions


Optimas Solutions is a leading provider of integrated supply chain solutions and engineering support which supplies highly engineered fasteners and C-Class components (high volume, low cost parts including small stampings, hydraulic fittings and hoses, machine parts and consumables) to customers in the North American commercial vehicle market, the global luxury automotive vehicle market, the global power generation equipment market, the global agricultural equipment market and the general industrial markets.



Optimas Solutions Elevates Mike Tuffy and Daniel Harms to Dual-CEOs

The Third Annual IFE Golf Tournament Grows Again!

Fastener Expo, Fastener News, Fasteners


“Happy Days are Here Again” at IFE 2022

By; Cris A. Young, Editor-at-Large

For more than 40 years, the International Fastener Expo has brought together both the domestic and international fastener industry on an annual basis to network, discover, learn, and source products and services through a highly efficient B2B relationship-focused atmosphere. The 41st edition of the International Fastener Expo in Las Vegas, NV October 17-19th, 2022 saw a record number of exhibitors and attendees since prior to the pandemic.

More than 450 exhibitors took over the Mandalay Bay exhibit halls E & F and were eager to connect with attendees from all areas of the industry including distributors, manufacturers, importers, engineers, technology providers, and sales reps. Meeting rooms were utilized for company gatherings of employees and customers.

From the minute the show opened the aisles were full of fastener folks from around the world. The booths were buzzing with conversations and demos.

Cris Young, FND & Greg Fields,

This year’s booths were full of team members, products, and tooling and machinery technology. Several of the booths found creative ways to interact with the show attendees with themes, games, and food and drink. There were many new exhibitors to be seen and despite some foreign countries limiting travel, the international section was very well staffed.

The Fastener Industry enjoyed a successful expo all-around. The International Fastener Expo’s Welcome Reception and 3rd Annual Golf Outing were both very well attended. The golf outing at Bali Hai Golf Club course was sold-out. 145 players and 36 Teams got out on the course for fun, networking and perhaps some business relationships were forged as well.

IFE 2022 Welcome Reception Party

The IFE Welcome Reception was jam packed with fastener folks. Lots of hugging with many toasting the opportunity to see friends, old and new. The cabanas were full of show attendees catching up on industry conversations. The Wurth sponsored WIFI cabana had the ladies ready for the party with their throwback to the roaring 20’s theme and BD Cold Headed Products was smokin’ with their cigar and whiskey party cabana. What a great way to get back into things at the show!

Laurence Claus FTI Class at IFE 2022 Photo credit: IFE

Kicking off #IFE2022, The Fastener Training Institute’s class on Monday was full of eager students.

Dirk Beveridge, Keynote Speaker Photo credit: IFE

For the first time, the International Fastener Expo offered exhibitors and attendees a keynote speaker. Speaker Dirk Beveridge delivered his keynote session: INNOVATE! How to Create Relevancy in the Age of Disruption to attendees that were ready to learn how to move their businesses forward in the fast-changing digital business environment. In his keynote presentation, Dirk walked the audience through some key points:

  • How to Construct a vision that becomes a unifying force for change
  • Develop a culture of innovation and excellence
  • Distinguish your business through an innovative value proposition
  • Examine your business model relevance
  • Identify your leadership readiness along the spectrum of distributors

Those who attended learned about the ‘noble calling’ and how leaders managing the people within the company is more important than ever.

Photo credit: Mallory Cravens Nichols, Advance Components

The educational tracks at Sessions Stage had the most attendees I’ve seen in years. This year the show featured a great mix of speakers from the industry, technology, leadership, and business. Speakers shared their insights and lessons learned to assist companies in succeeding in today’s business environment.

The Matchmaking Lounge was a great place to sit down with suppliers and customers to discuss future business opportunities. Every time I walked by the tables were full of fastener folks getting it done.

The IFE Hall of Fame, Young Fastener Professional Awards Ceremony was held on Tuesday afternoon at Sessions Stage. The Fastener Industry gathered at the award ceremony to congratulate this year’s awardees of the prestigious IFE Hall of Fame and Young Fastener Professional awards. This is always one of the best attended events of the show. It’s nice to see a packed house, recognizing the inductees who have made this industry a great place to be.

IFE 2022 Fastener Hall of Fame & Young Fastener Professional of the Year Awardees

Congratulations to the Young Fastener Professional of the Year, Bryan Wheeler of the Star Stainless Screw Co., and Fastener Hall of Famers: Andy Cohn (retired) Duncan Bolt, Rick Rudolph of Rick Rudolph Associates, Tim Malone of Spring Bolt and Nut Manufacturing, and Joseph Voltrauer of Volt Plastics. 

Fastener News Desk got to catch up with a few of the attendees to hear what they thought about the expo atmosphere this year. Here’s what attendees said: (see video below)

“IFE 2022 was great!! The show felt like it was close to, if not back to pre-covid attendance numbers. Attending the show always allows for personal time to build deeper connections and more direct relationships with customers and suppliers; it’s nice to be able to focus my attention on them away from everyday office distractions. Not to mention, the show removes the everyday conveniences of communicating through modern technology and helps us get back to actual face-to-face interactions with one another. And, how exciting and encouraging was it to see a ton of young, new faces in our industry!? In my 17 years of attending, the show has continued to represent more than just sales opportunities, it’s the total experience; forging existing business relationships, meeting new people, increasing brand representation, and of course talking shop with the best of the best. I can’t wait for next year!” Holly McDaniel, WCL Company

The social buzz was the best we’ve seen!

Check out the Twitter Feed before, during and after the expo! Click here: #IFE2022

Another great year making connections at International Fastener Expo. Thank you to all who stopped by the WIFI booth #IFE2022

— Fastener Women | WIFI (@fastenerwomen) October 19, 2022

Thank you for attending our session this morning: 5 Key Considerations for #OEMs When Selecting a #manufacturer or #distributor at #IFE2022. Don’t forget to stop by our booth # 2023 on the #tradeshow floor! You might get to meet our newly elevated dual-CEOs!#events #fastener

— Optimas Solutions (@Optimas_S) October 19, 2022

We want to thank everyone that join us at the IFE 2022 tradeshow. See you next year. #fasteners #ife2022 #ifetradeshow #iamapro

— Brighton Best (USA) (@BrightonBest) October 19, 2022

.@advancenow celebrated its 50th birthday at #IFE2022 yesterday! Congrats on 50 years of connecting with their suppliers and customers!

— International Fastener Expo (@FastenerShow) October 19, 2022

After not being able to be together for two years, IFE2022 certainly made up for it. The atmosphere was enthusiastic and exciting. The industry was happy to get back to a normal sense of business and networking at the show. We may have wrapped it up on Wednesday afternoon but we all took the feeling home with us to savor until next year……..

IFE 2023 Full Color Logo

See you next year in Vegas, October 9-11, 2023!

Be sure to secure your location for IFE 2023 @


The Third Annual IFE Golf Tournament Grows Again!


Best Booth Awards, Digital Media, Fastener Event, Fastener Expo, Fastener News, Fastener People, Fastener Show, International Fastener Expo


IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of October 24th, 2022

Here’s what’s happening in and around the fastener industry the Week of October 24th, 2022

Listen now: (7:02)

In Fastener News…

The fastener industry gathered last week for the International Fastener Expo. The 41st edition of the International Fastener Expo happened in Las Vegas October 17-19th. The expo saw a record number of exhibitors and attendees since prior to the pandemic. More than 450 exhibitors were eager to connect with attendees from all areas of the fastener industry including master distributors, distributors, manufacturers, importers, engineers, technology providers, and sales reps.

Fastener News Desk really enjoyed connecting with everyone at the expo. There was a definite buzz amongst the crowd, the joy of being together networking in Vegas!

The Best Booth Award winners from the International Fastener Expo have been selected! There were some NEW big & colorful exhibitors that brought their game to the expo floor of IFE 2022. Stay tuned for FND to announce the winners later this week! Find out which booth will claim the first ever FND | IFE 2022 Best Booth Award Championship belt!

ImageHappening today, and thru the 25th is The Fastener Training Institute and Industrial Fasteners Institute’s in-person, two full-day training opportunity on the fundamentals of fastener metallurgy and heat treatment. Go to to find out about upcoming classes.

In eCommerce News…

MSC Industrial Supply is honing its digital commerce offerings. CEO Erik Gershwind said last week that metalworking and MRO products distributor has been busy “improving its entire digital offering.” As a result, digital commerce sales increased 17% to $2.28 billion for the fiscal year ended Sept. 3. By comparison, total sales grew 13.8%. Gershwind said ecommerce is one of MSC’s priority areas of growth, along with expanding its metalworking products and services and building out its public sector sales.

He noted that the company’s first chief digital officer, John Hill, who was appointed in April, has been “quite busy improving our website and our entire digital offering.” Gershwind didn’t go into specifics but added, “So far, the feedback we’ve received from the field is excellent.” Read more: 

MSC Industrial Supply Hones its Digital Commerce Offerings

Fastenal, reports that ecommerce is ‘becoming part of their DNA’. CEO Dan Florness said Ecommerce, including sales through, accounted for 18% of total third-quarter revenue, while total “digital footprint” sales including internet vending machines grew to 50%. The share of ecommerce, including web sales and EDI transactions, amounted to $324 million out of $1.8 billion in total Q3 sales for at the wholesale distributor of fasteners and other industrial and construction supplies. Factoring in other digital sales through internet vending machines and other digital channels — what Fastenal calls its total “digital footprint” — digital commerce overall accounted for 50% of total sales, or $901 million.

At Fastenal, ecommerce is ‘becoming part of our DNA’

The Fastener Industry’s Favorite Podcast

ThreadHeads and FasteNerds Stay tuned for Episode 181 from Fully Threaded Radio! Scheduled to drop anytime now! Go to to hear the latest episode.

MWFA Holiday PartyNovember 3rd is the Midwest Fastener Association’s Scholarship Awards & Elections Dinner. Guest Speaker will Dan Hampton, former Chicago Bears player. Get more info: @MWFA_News

Image Fastener Training Week | LA | is happening Nov. 14-18, 2022. Instead of 7 separate one-day classes, Fastener Training Week | LA will offer 4 intensive days of education and virtual plant tours as part of the acclaimed FTI Certified Fastener SpecialistTM (CFS) advanced technical training program. See details and register at Fastener Training Week is sponsored by Optimas.

November 17th is After Hours with the Pacific West Fastener Association. 5-8PM at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse Stop by and meet other people in the fastener industry and expand your professional network.  Pac-West will host one beverage per person along with complimentary appetizers!

The stories featured in this week’s episode of IN THE NEWS can be found at Fastener News Desk or in our Twitter feed @FastenerNews and on LinkedIn in the Fastener News Group!

Industrial products are comprehensive and purchasing them online can lead to poor customer experiences when utilizing filtered search. The Product Genius’s grid technology allows your clients to search, sort and purchase 100’s of products from a one-page buying experience. Experience and Demo FAST Fastener buying at

PGT’s services also include, data cleaning and preparation, consulting, and strategizing. Contact or call 1-800-fasteners to find out how to get started today.

If you would like to share your company’s events, news or sponsor an upcoming episode of IN THE NEWS or would like to add to the Fastener Museum me:

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk.

Until next week, be well, be safe and Keep it Fastenating.


IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of October 10th, 2022

IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of October 17th, 2022 | IFE 2022 (Special Edition)



At Fastenal, ecommerce is ‘becoming part of our DNA’

Paul Demery | 

Ecommerce, including sales through, accounted for 18% of total third-quarter revenue, while total “digital footprint” sales including internet vending machines grew to 50%, CEO Dan Florness said.

When Dan Florness took the reins as president adn CEO of Fastenal Co. in 2016, ecommerce accounted for less than 6% of total sales.  But for the recent third quarter ended Sept. 30, ecommerce sales grew to 18%.

“It’s becoming part of our DNA,” he said on a Q3 earnings call today.


Dan Florness, president and CEO, Fastenal Co.

That share of ecommerce, including web sales and EDI transactions, amounted to $324.43 million out of $1.802 billion in total Q3 sales for at the wholesale distributor of fasteners and other industrial and construction supplies. But factoring in other digital sales through internet vending machines and other digital channels — what Fastenal calls its total “digital footprint” — digital commerce overall accounted for 50% of total sales, or $901.20 million.

Fastenal ecommerce

Moreover, Florness noted that digital commerce is expanding throughout the company’s operations.

“When I stepped into this role [in 2016] ecommerce was about 5.5% of our sales,” he said. “They had been stuck there and they were stuck in purgatory … because we’re a service organization … not a catalog company or a ecommerce company.”

But Fastenal figured how it could play to its strengths as a service-oriented business and make ecommerce “part of our business.” For example, its network of 1,716 physical branch locations learned how to support customers’ ecommerce transactions. In the third quarter, 52% of Fastenal’s branches “had over 10% of their revenue in ecommerce,” Florness said.

He asserted that the ecommerce channel’s 18% share of Q3 total sales “isn’t coming from a few” Fastenal operations. “It’s coming from a lot of activities throughout the organization, which means it’s becoming part of our DNA.”

Florness added that Fastenal’s growth trend in ecommerce is following similar trends in the company’s broader digital footprint. That includes its vending machines and OnSite inventory management services.

For the third quarter ended Sept. 30, Fastenal reported:

  • Total net sales of $1.802 billion, up 16% year over year;
  • Gross profit of $826.5 million, up 14.8%, resulting in a gross profit margin of 45.9%, down from 46.3%;
  • Net earnings of $284.6 million, up 16.9%.

For the nine months ended Sept. 30, Fastenal reported:

  • Total net sales of $5.285 billion, up 18.0% from a year earlier;
  • Gross profit of $2.447 billion, up 18.6%, resulting in a gross margin of 46.3%, up from 46.1%;
  • Net earnings of $841.3 million, up 21.3%



Fastenal’s digital lesson for other distributors: It pays to diversify

Fastenal Company Reaches eCommerce Milestone

Digital Transformation, Fasteners


MSC Industrial Supply Hones its Digital Commerce Offerings

CEO Erik Gershwind said today that metalworking and MRO products distributor MSC Industrial Supply Co. has been busy “improving its entire digital offering.” As a result, digital commerce sales increased 17% to $2.28 billion for the fiscal year ended Sept. 3. By comparison, total sales grew 13.8%.

MSC has been quite busy improving our website and our entire digital offering.

Erik Gershwind, president and CEO

MSC Industrial Supply Co.

For the fiscal fourth quarter ended Sept. 3, MSC’s ecommerce sales increased 29.7% year over year to $646.3 million, as total net sales increased 23% to $1.022 billion. (MSC noted that its fiscal Q4 in 2022 included five more days than the prior-year quarter.)

In an earnings call today, CEO Erik Gershwind said Q4 ecommerce sales reached 63% of total net sales, up from 60% in the year-earlier quarter.

For the full fiscal year ended Sept. 3, ecommerce sales increased 16.9% year over year to $2.28 billion, as total net sales increased 13.8% to $3.7 billion. Ecommerce sales for the fiscal year ended Sept. 3 accounted for 61.6% of total net sales, up from 60.0% the prior year.


John Hill, executive vice president, chief digital officer, MSC Industrial Supply Co.

Gershwind said ecommerce is one of MSC’s priority areas of growth, along with expanding its metalworking products and services and building out its public sector sales. He noted that the company’s first chief digital officer, John Hill, who was appointed in April, has been “quite busy improving our website and our entire digital offering.” Gershwind didn’t go into specifics but added, “So far, the feedback we’ve received from the field is excellent.”

Gershwind added that MSC increased by 21% in Q4 its customer signings for the company’s internet-connected vending machines, “and that vending sales now account for 15% of total company sales.”

Building inventory amid supply chain disruptions

Overall, MSC sells more than 2 million products in its portfolio of metalworking and maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) products. At the end of Q4, the company was carrying 716 million inventory items, up 36 million from Q3. “The inventory build is consistent with our double-digit revenue growth, the ongoing supply chain disruptions, and continuing inflation,” Kristen Actis-Grande, executive vice president and chief financial officer, said on the earnings call.

“We continue to see inflation from our suppliers, particularly on the metalworking side of the business, albeit at a slower pace in the past year,” Gershwind added.

MSC Industrial takes on challenges with Martina McIsaac

Martina McIsaac, executive vice president, chief operating officer, MSC Industrial Supply Co.

To help improve supply chain and related operations, MSC in September filled the newly created position of executive vice president and chief operating officer with the appointment of Martina McIsaac, a former CEO of manufacturer Hilti Inc. McIsaac oversees sales, pricing, procurement, supply chain and other operations.

In August, MSC acquired Tower Fasteners, a Holtsville, New York-based distributor of original equipment fasteners and components. Tower had about $35 million in 2021 revenue and will continue to operate under its own brand and senior management within MSC’s All Integrated Solutions subsidiary, which focuses on the OEM market, MSC said. Tower doesn’t directly engage in ecommerce but its website links to ecommerce sites operated by such suppliers as RAF Electronic Hardware and Heyco.

MSC’s financial figures

For the fiscal fourth quarter ended Sept. 3, MSC reported:

  • Ecommerce sales increased 29.7% year over year to $636.3 million. They accounted for 63% of total net sales, which grew 23% to $1.022 billion.
  • Gross profit of $428.2 million resulted in a gross margin of 41.9%, down from 42.0%.
  • Net income increased 58.4% to $104.4 million.

For the fiscal year ended Sept. 3, MSC reported:

  • Ecommerce sales increased 16.9% year over year to $2.28 billion. They accounted for 61.6% of total sales, which increased 13.8% to $3.7 billion.
  • Net income increased 56.3%% to $340.48 million.

MSC’s ecommerce sales include commerce transactions through:

  • Its ecommerce site,
  • internet-connected vending machines,
  • vendor-managed inventory systems,
  • XML-based ordering systems,
  • electronic data interchange,
  • and other electronic portals.

MSC’s formal corporate name is MSC Industrial Direct Co. Inc., but it often goes by the name of its primary unit, MSC Industrial Supply Co.










QUESTION: Identify the order of the metric standard from the largest to

the smallest head dimension: DIN 6921, EN 1665, ISO 4162.


Eurolink is the premier US distributor of metric fasteners and fastener lines with hard-to-find metric fasteners manufactured to both DIN and ISO standards. As the nation’s leading source for hard-to-find metric fasteners, Eurolink offers access to more than 100,000 quality C-class parts from countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Spain, France, and Great Britain. Regardless of your required size, material, or finish, Eurolink FSS has the European resources to meet your demands.

If you’re looking for a top fastener supplier you’ve found one!

Eurolink is committed to providing you fast HASSLE-FREE ordering, fair pricing, and timely delivery. Are you spending hours searching fastener websites or catalogs? Waiting on hold while a sales rep digs through their catalog to confirm a DIN number? Wondering if your invoice will even be processed correctly? How about worrying whether or not your quoted ship date was just a sales rep’s guess? Not at Eurolink Fastener!

Simply submit a quick RFQ for the items you require. We’ll do all the research, and follow up with you personally with a complete quotation. As you order products from Eurolink, you can do so with the confidence that your order will be processed accurately and efficiently — along with the best available pricing and delivery — means HASSLE-FREE to you.

Upcoming Sea Freight Order Deadlines:

• Thursday, November 17th, 2022

* Please have all orders delivered to Eurolink sales team by 4:00 PM EST on the deadline dates above to have your order added to the consolidated sea freight shipment.





Fastener Pop Quiz


The Third Annual IFE Golf Tournament Grows Again!

More than 145 players across 36 teams enjoyed friendly competition and networking at the 3rd annual International Fastener Expo Golf Tournament at Bali Hai Golf Club.

First place, second place and third place teams were awarded prizes. Participants were also awarded prizes for longest drive and closest to the pin.

Congratulations to the winners!

First Place: Jack Dobek, Dennis Doyle, Tim Quick, Eric Mason – B&D Cold Headed Products

Second Place: Ryan Cooper, Mark Hamilton, David Doyle,  Gage Fasbender – B&D Cold Headed Products

Third Place: Jim Williams, Ron Townsend, Mike Sterling, Jake Sloan – Williams Form Engineering and King Steel

Longest Drive Men: Bryce Oliviera – Patriot Bolt

Longest Drive Women: Amy Cammeron – Central Wire

Closest to the Pin Men: Jeff Orejel – Gage Bilt, Inc.

Closest to the Pin Women: Erin Waidelich – Aircraft Fasteners

Check out the photo gallery. Click here.


IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of October, 17, 2022 | IFE 2022 (Special Edition)


Fastener Expo, International Fastener Expo


Lakeshore Fastener Group Acquires Hodges Fastener Corporation

Woman-owned Hodges Fastener sells to Ohio-based consolidator

PRESS RELEASE  OCT 17, 2022 17:00 EDT

TWINSBURG, Ohio, October 17, 2022 ( – The Lakeshore Fastener Group has purchased Hodges Fastener Corporation of Traverse City, MI, to continue its expansion plans in the Midwest.

Hodges Fastener Corp

Founded in 2001, Hodges Fastener Corporation is a respected, woman-owned, business located in Traverse City, Michigan distributing all types of inch, metric, and special fasteners across the state of Michigan. President Ellen Strange and the Hodge’s team have developed impressive customer relationships with many manufacturers and service organizations by providing dependable and reliable service and quality products for over 20 years. Following her father William “Bill” Hodges into the fastener business, Ellen grew up with nuts and bolts and decided to become an entrepreneur after her successful career at a Big Six accounting firm. 

Lakeshore Fastener Group is a member of a family of fastener distributors formed by Kevin Weidinger who is the President of the portfolio. The group operates Great Lakes Fasteners, Nut & Bolt Fastening Solutions and most recently Lakeshore Shore Fastener and Hodges Fastener Corporation. The group is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, with distribution centers in Michigan, Ohio, New York, and Wisconsin. The consortium strives to maintain the distributors’ unique identities within their local communities yet leverage the collective strength and size of the enterprise.  Customers enjoy a vast inventory of standard and special fasteners plus bundled lean production services including kitting, packaging, sub-assembly, and managed inventory programs (VMI). 

Ellen Strange, Hodge’s President said, “Lakeshore Fastener and their people made them the clear choice to continue to serve our loyal customers. The combined organization will help Hodges Fastener Corporation grow to reach its full potential and allow us to offer our customers a broader range of products and services.” 

Kevin Weidinger, President of Lakeshore Fastener Group said, “I had coffee with Ellen about five years ago to discuss possibilities, and its great we are now able to welcome her company to the family. Our plan is to continue the consistent service Hodges clients have come to expect plus present them with the many new products and services that the now combined companies can offer.”  

“I was born and raised in Michigan, so aligning our organization with Hodges seemed like a great way to re-establish ties to the mitten while our enterprise continues our geographic expansion and drive to add talent and introduce new capabilities,” continued Weidinger.

Headquartered in Cleveland (Twinsburg), Ohio – Lakeshore Fastener Group is a full-line fastener distribution company that offers its clients a comprehensive portfolio of standard, metric and made-to-print fasteners, packaging services and innovative inventory solutions. The group maintains a quality management system to the ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100 standards. 



Woman-owned Hodges Fastener sells to Ohio-based consolidator 

ParkOhio Announces Second Quarter 2022 Results and Completes Two Acquisitions

Big Bolt, LLC Acquires Delta Secondary, LLC


IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk the Week of October, 17, 2022 | IFE 2022 (Special Edition)

Here’s what’s happening in the fastener industry this week!

This episode of FND’s IN THE NEWS is dedicated to The International Fastener Expo that begins today in Las Vegas! THE IFE is No. America’s largest B2B expo for fasteners, tool & machinery in No. America! With more than 450 exhibitors eager to connect with attendees from all areas of the fastener supply chain including distributors, manufacturers, importers, engineers, technology providers, and sales reps.

Watch now on FastenerTV : (12:12)

IFE Golf - International Fastener Show

Happy Monday! let’s get right to the IFE schedule which began this morning with the SOLD-OUT International Fastener Expo 3rd Annual Golf Tournament at the Bali Hai Golf Club. Fastener friends gather to tee off and win fantastic prizes! Is there better place to drive business than on the golf course?

Starting this morning 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM | Fastener Class: How Fasteners Are Made & What Drives the Cost of a Fastener

The all day class is presented by the Fastener Training Institute, with fastener expert Laurence Claus. He’ll takes participants into the fastener manufacturing world and explore why the often under-appreciated components are complex engineering marvels.

This evening is the official kick-off of the International Fastener Expo! Join the IFE & Fastener Industry friends at the always well attended Welcome Reception Party from 6 – 8 PM  at Daylight Pool, Mandalay Bay for a fun night of networking, appetizers, and drinks. Happening

Tuesday, October 18th- It’s rise and shine in sunny Las Vegas!

From 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM will be the first ever Keynote Presentation at the IFE. Hear from Dirk Beveridge. Dirk is a leading advocate of change and innovation in distribution. As one of the country’s most outstanding speakers, he delivers a new voice, a new energy, & new outlook.

Dirk Beveridge will deliver his keynote session: INNOVATE! How to Create Relevancy in the Age of Disruption

In this keynote presentation, Dirk Beveridge will examine:

  • How to Construct a vision that becomes a unifying force for change
  • Develop a culture of innovation and excellence
  • Distinguish your business through an innovative value proposition
  • Examine your business model relevance
  • Identify your leadership readiness along the spectrum of distributors

Get to Meeting Room: Jasmine E F G early to make sure to save your space!

Directly after the Keynote, at 9:30 AM THE INTERNATIONAL FASTENER EXPO Hall officially Opens!

BE SURE TO be on the lookout for Fastener News Desk as they scope the expo floor for the 2022 BEST BOOTH AWARD WINNERS!

IFE offers excellent educational tracks at SESSIONS STAGE on the expo floor: The sessions get underway starting at 10:00 AM

The first session is “You Can’t Buy These at the Hardware Store” – A Primer on What Sets Aerospace Fasteners Apart From Other Fastener Market Segments | 10:00 – 10:30 AM

Speaker: Laurence Claus, of NNi Training and Consulting will introduce some of the fastening technology unique to aerospace fasteners. He will introduce different categories of aerospace fasteners including Pin and Collar fasteners, Blind bolts and rivets, Solid Rivets, Inserts, Nut Plates, Wrenchable Nuts, Bolts and Screws, and Honeycomb Fasteners. Mr. Claus will also briefly explain what systems and credentials an aerospace fastener supplier must possess.

10:45 AM – 11:30 AM    Why 3D Printing Will Have an Impact on Fasteners

Speaker: AJ Strandquist, Wurth Additive Group will explain how 3D printing presents obstacles and opportunities in the world of fasteners, both their consumption and production. It’s happening already in some upscale markets but as the technology becomes more cost effective it’s impact will grow.

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Boosting Automation and Productivity: Everything You Need to Know About APIs and Integration.

If your goal is to streamline internal processes and minimize wasted labor. In this session the panel explain how APIs enable new features in ERPs and legacy systems and discuss how businesses in the Fastener industry are leveraging new technology to work smarter. with speaker panelist: Lonni Kieffer, SmartCert by Aramid; Brandi Bertoia, INxSQL Software; and Brad Burel, Advance Components


1:45 PM – 2:30 PM The Five Ideals of the Ecommerce Experience Hear from Speaker: Jason Hein, Bloomreach as he details how: The first 20 years of B2B e-commerce have primarily focused on one element: “standing up the store”. As technologies have gotten easier to use, launching an e-commerce site has become almost standardized. “Out of the box” solutions and API-driven “headless” architecture have simplified the process of starting a B2B commerce website easier than it’s ever been. But now what? It is no longer enough to simply *be* online when it’s so easy for your competition to also “be” online. Simply existing isn’t enough – companies have to raise the bar to offer a customer experience that stands out for B2B buyers.

Be sure to be at The IFE Hall of Fame, Young Fastener Professional Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, October 18 | 3 – 4 PM | Sessions Stage

Join the Fastener Industry in congratulating this year’s inductees of the prestigious IFE Hall of Fame and Young Fastener Professional awards, Congratulations to Young Fastener Professional of the Year, Bryan Wheeler of the Star Stainless Screw Co., and Fastener Hall of Famers: Andy Cohn, Duncan Bolt, Rick Rudolph Associates, Tim Malone, Spring Bolt and Nut Manufacturing, and Joseph Voltrauer, Volt Plastics.  The recipients will be recognized at the IFE Awards Ceremony at 3:00 PM on the expo floor at Sessions Stage.

The IFE 2022 Award Recipients Announced

BIG Shout out to all the 2022 IFE Exhibitors: Fastener News Desk’s Best Booth Awards are BACK! We’re on the expo scouting out the 2022 Best Booths! IFE is sponsoring the awesome Best Booth Awards from Trophy Smack! We’re so excited to be BACK in-person, we plan to immortalize your hard-earned victory with a professional-grade championship belt.  This year the overall BEST BOOTH AWARD WINNER will claim the Best Booth Award’s first ever customized Championship Belt. We can’t wait to see your booth and creativity in Vegas!

Who will claim the BEST BOOTH AWARD title belt?

Wednesday, October 19

9:30 AM The IFE Expo Hall Opens

Educational Tracks begin at Sessions Stage:

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM       Five Key Considerations for Selecting a Fastener Manufacturer/Distributor

Speaker: Paul Przyby, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Optimas Solutions session will focus on what OEMs and distributors should be asking of their supply partners and how a tightly bound, cooperative relationship delivers supply chain confidence and assurance for each participant. Five Key Considerations for Selecting a Fastener Manufacturer/Distributor

  • Risk reduction
  • Inventory optimization
  • Elevating operations
  • Improving quality
  • Electrification and environmental considerations

Optimas Solutions Elevates Mike Tuffy and Daniel Harms to Dual-CEOs

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM    How Can Distributors Win the War Against Inflation? Speaker: Nelson Valderrama, Intuilize explains with Inflation is on the rise it can be difficult for businesses to keep up. In this session, he’ll discuss the factors contributing to increased inflation and how to protect your margins in a volatile market. He’ll explore best practices in pricing and cost pass through to defeat inflation and grow margins. Join Nelson for an informative session that will help you stay ahead of the curve!

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM    What’s Working Best for Younger Generations? The Young Fastener Professionals Association invites you to join a panel program discussing the next generation. The panelists will dive into best practices for managing, motivating, and interacting with young employees and colleagues. There will be a moderated discussion, followed by time for questions. Moderator: Mallory Cravens Nichols, Advance Components and Panelists: Tim Vath, Solution Industries; George Hunt III, Brighton-Best International; Jake Glaser, Sherex Fastening Solutions

3:30 PM the IFE Expo 2022 Hall Officially Closes Until Next Year’s International Fastener Expo will be October 9 – 11, 2023

Share your pics and get in the conversation using #IFE2022 in the Twitter feed @FastenerNews and on LinkedIn in the Fastener News Group!

If you would like to share your company’s events, news or sponsor an upcoming episode of IN THE NEWS or would like to add to the Fastener Museum me:

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s episode of IN THE NEWS with Fastener News Desk. Have a great time in Vegas!

Until next week, be well, be safe and Keep it Fastenating



The IFE 2022 Award Recipients Announced

Fastener TV, Featured






Question: What does the acronym OMFS stand for?


Eurolink is the premier US #distributor of #metricfasteners and fastener lines with hard-to-find metric #fasteners manufactured to both DIN and ISO standards. As the nation’s leading source for hard-to-find #metric fasteners, Eurolink offers access to more than 100,000 quality C-class parts from countries such as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Spain, France, and Great Britain. Regardless of your required size, material, or finish, #EurolinkFSS has the European resources to meet your demands.

If you’re looking for a top fastener supplier you’ve found one!

Eurolink is committed to providing you fast HASSLE-FREE ordering, fair pricing, and timely delivery. Are you spending hours searching fastener websites or catalogs? Waiting on hold while a sales rep digs through their catalog to confirm a #DIN number? Wondering if your invoice will even be processed correctly? How about worrying whether or not your quoted ship date was just a sales rep’s guess? Not at #EurolinkFastener!

Simply submit a quick RFQ for the items you require. We’ll do all the research, and follow up with you personally with a complete quotation. As you order products from #Eurolink, you can do so with the confidence that your order will be processed accurately and efficiently — along with the best available pricing and delivery — means HASSLE-FREE to you.

Upcoming Sea Freight Order Deadlines:

• Thursday, October 20th, 2022

• Thursday, November 17th, 2022

* Please have all orders delivered to Eurolink sales team by 4:00 PM EST on the deadline dates above to have your order added to the consolidated sea freight shipment.





Distribution, Fastener Pop Quiz